Victoria Super

Motorcycle Crash

Victoria was riding her motorcycle on January 2, 2016 to meet up with a friend to go see a band that her good friend plays in. Someone turned left into oncoming traffic and hit Victoria on her bike. The perpetrator left the scene.

Her left foot and ankle were amputated at the scene. She has needed four revision surgeries since to make her residual limb viable for a prosthetic. She had to wait nine months for her skin graft to heal in order to get her first prosthetic.

Prior to that her boyfriend fabricated a special rig for her to be able to ride on the back of his motorcycle until she finally got her first prosthetic (today she is on number four prosthetic). She still rides, but because it’s her shifter foot, she only rides on the back (maybe that is something else the Foundation might be able to help with).

Life Forever Changed

Victoria has a sports medicine background and she is an ultrasonographer. She taught fitness and ran the beach 3-4 times a week before her accident.

As with many who become disabled like the snap of a finger, her life was forever changed that day, and although she still teaches fitness, she has not been able to run again, until The Who Says I Can’t Foundation got connected to her through Timra Stump, a long-time friend of WSICF who designs all the logo-wear and comes up from Florida for the fundraiser every year.